Snapseed Tutorial 02 by Jerry Jobe

Bringing it into focus

In our first tutorial here at the NEM, we looked at the Camera app, and how you can use it to take basic images. We also took a first look at post-processing your photos with the free app Snapseed. We saw that you can make some basic changes to luminosity, contrast and saturation, and that these basic changes can make your photos pop. And we saw that you can make these changes to the overall photo with the Tune Image module, or you can target those changes to part of your photo through the Selective Adjust module.

Never content with just scratching the surface of what an app can do, Jerry Jobe decided to pass on what he learned about imaging apps to others. He’s constantly trying to figure out just what tools other artists have used, and trying to incorporate…

Never content with just scratching the surface of what an app can do, Jerry Jobe decided to pass on what he learned about imaging apps to others. He’s constantly trying to figure out just what tools other artists have used, and trying to incorporate them into his own work, in an attempt to find his style.

He’s written tutorials on over 40 apps so far, which you can find (along with his Song of the Day entries) at

He lives near Atlanta, Georgia, where he also finds a creative outlet in acting and directing in community theater.

This tutorial will help you focus (pun intended) your energies on getting the photo you take to be exactly what you hoped to show to your audience. What is it that you were capturing? An object, a motion, an emotion, a quality of light? You want the eye of your audience to see that immediately, and there are tasks you can perform post-capture to channel their vision. Once again, these basic tasks will all be performed in Snapseed.


Writer, author & digital artist. Founder of the New Era Museum