Andrea Bigiarini

The New Era Museum 3rd Anniversary

Andrea Bigiarini
The New Era Museum 3rd Anniversary

It's a great pleasure for me to present this collector's edition that hold the works in chronological order of the Flickr group that most impressed me.

It was not easy to choose between tens of thousands of photos and my effort has been to try to collect what evoked in me more emotions in the midst of thousands of vibrations, colors, subjects, techniques and solutions equally valid. 

Several images were impossible to publish them because of the user settings in Flickr and I'm sorry.

I've tried to include at least one work of each member of the group, if someone is not here I'm sorry. I have not posted pictures of the Facebook group because of a bug unresolved incompatibility between the images published in the groups FB and Flipboard then I focused only on those of the Flickr group.

This is my thanks to you for improving with these masterpieces my reality.

Mobile Photography is Art with the capital "A". 

Thank you all for being here and for reading my mangled English :)


Writer, author & digital artist. Founder of the New Era Museum