NEM P.U.R.E. - Selection 01 by LIsa Peters & Aldo Pacheco

NEM P.U.R.E. is curated by Lisa Peters and Aldo Pacheco.

Lisa Peters - NEM ARTIST & Aldo Pacheco - NEM FOUNDER ARTIST - Curators of NEM P.U.R.E.

Lisa Peters - NEM ARTIST & Aldo Pacheco - NEM FOUNDER ARTIST - Curators of NEM P.U.R.E.

NEM - P.U.R.E. [Photoart Unlimited Revolution (for) Everyone]

As mobile photography evolves, the lines between iOS and DSLR become blurred in terms of quality and accessibility. 
In fact, many high end cameras are now cheaper than iPhones. The best camera is always the one in your hand but the best editing tools are now those found on our mobile devices. 

We've revolutionized how images can transcend reality and become fine art with the powerful apps developed for our amazing community.

As revolutionaries, we are always moving forward, exploring, reinventing, and expanding. The next step is now! 
Creating art with mobile apps using and and all images. 
The capture becomes far less significant than the processing. So snap away; use your DSLRs, your mirrorless point and shoots, your instamatics, your analogs then edit with apps on mobile devices. Limits melt away. 
Mix and blend and create P.U.R.E. Images. 

This is a Photoart Unlimited Revolution for Everyone.

CURATORS: Lisa Peters & Aldo Pacheco

ARTWORKS BY: Joanne Mariol, Susan Rennie, Allyson Marie, Karin Wollina, Kate Zari Roberts, Pirmin Föllmi and Miguel Angel Uipan Chavez.

Writer, author & digital artist. Founder of the New Era Museum