NEM Your Life 60 curated by Becky Menzies.

Becky Menzies - Nem Yourlife Curator and artist.

This month’s feature post is extra special as it is the group’s 60th celebration of NEM YourLife imagery. Special shoutout to founding curator Frédéric Deschênes for his vision of documenting and sharing the art of everyday life. The absolutely brilliant use of the 9 square grid has allowed the world to view thousands of inspiring images posted by the creative members of the NEM YourLife team over the last five years. Through the monthly posts of 8 featured NEM YourLife members alone, over 4000 amazing images have been shared for public viewing on the NEW Era Museum site!!! Sincerest thanks to Frédéric and to all of our NEM YourLife team members past, present and future for your sharing your creative views of life!
— Becky Menzies

FEATURED ARTWORKS BY: Lenore Vaccarello, Anndrea Lewis, Mim Keophumihae, Sara Seldowitz, Merih Soylu, Beka Schiller, Daria Stermac, Erika Schroeder.

Writer, author & digital artist. Founder of the New Era Museum